STrategies And Resources for Teaching (StART) Follow-Up Survey

Making a Nation: Laying Claim to Democracy

Please answer the following questions to give us an idea of the strategies and resources you use in your teaching of American history/social studies.

Directions: You will need to allow at least 15 minutes to complete this survey. If you do not have enough time now, please quit the survey without submitting and come back at a later time.

Please type in your ID number:

I.Preliminary Information

1.1What grades did you teach this past semester? (Check all that apply.)

4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Other

1.2Did you teach AP courses this semester?

Yes No

The first set of questions asks about your typical classroom teaching style for social studies or history.

II.I use the following instructional resources to teach American history/social studies:


Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

2.2Primary Sources (diaries, newspapers, government documents, political cartoons, etc.)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

2.3Historical Fiction

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

2.4Non-fiction books (other than textbook)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never


Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

2.6Periodicals (magazines, newspapers)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never


Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

2.8Charts & Graphs

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never


Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never


Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never


Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

2.12Traveling Museum Trunks

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

III.I use the following instructional strategies to teach American history/social studies:

3.1Pre-reading strategies (anticipation guides, previewing, predicting, etc.)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.2During reading strategies (graphic organizers, analysis worksheets, etc.)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.3After reading strategies (Think-Pair-Share, discussion, summarizing, etc.)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.4Cooperative Groups

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.5Readers' Theater or Plays

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.6Simulations or Reenactments

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.7Power Points

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never


Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.9Photo Story

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.10Visual Discovery (analysis and reenactment of photo or picture)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.11Analysis of charts & graphs

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

3.12Internet Searches

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

The next set of questions asks about your use of Historical Thinking Skills in your social studies or history classes.

IV.How often do you teach...

4.1Chronological thinking? (includes distinguishing between past, present, and future, identifying sequence of historical events, interpreting and creating time lines and charts)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

4.2Historical comprehension? (includes identifying the author or source of a historical document, reconstructing literal meaning, identifying central questions and important ideas in a historical passage, drawing upon data in historical maps, utilizing data)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

4.3Historical analysis and interpretation? (includes making inferences and drawing conclusions from historical records, comparing and contrasting differing sets of ideas, considering multiple perspectives, analyzing cause and effect relationships, drawing comparisons across eras and regions)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

4.4Historical research capabilities? (includes formulating historical questions, obtaining data from a variety of sources, identifying gaps in available records, employing quantitative analysis, supporting interpretations with historical evidence)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

4.5Historical issues-analysis & decision making? (includes identifying issues and problems in the past, identifying preceding circumstances and contemporary factors contributing to the problem, formulating a position or a course of action on an issue, evaluating the implementation of a decision)

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

4.6Analysis and interpretation of graphs, charts, and tables with historical data?

Daily 3-4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week A few times a month Occasionally during the semester Never

The next set of questions helps us assess other goals of the TAHP program.

V.How often do you differentiate instruction (i.e. different levels or types of instruction for different students within a class)?

5.1I differentiate instruction...

Always for daily instruction Usually for daily instruction Occasionally for daily instruction Rarely, just for special assignments or projects Never

VI.How much of the social studies/history curriculum do you map each semester for high school or each year for middle and elementary in order to address the instructional objectives for the teaching of history in-depth?

6.1Each semester the amount of the social studies/history curriculum I map is approximately...

None 25% 50% 75% 100%

The next set of questions asks about your participation in the TAHP program.

7.1Please check the box below that best describes your participation as a member of the TAHP community by taking part in the team study.

I came to one or two team study meetings, but did NOT implement the strategies chosen for intervention.
I came to one or two team study meetings, and occasionally implemented the strategies chosen for intervention.
I frequently came to team study meetings, but did not regularly implement the strategies chosen for intervention.
I frequently came to team study meetings and often implemented the strategies chosen for intervention.
I regularly attended the team study meetings and regularly implemented the strategies chosen for intervention.

7.2Please check the box below that best describes your participation a member of the TAHP community by taking part in the team peer coaching component.

I did not observe a TAHP peer coach. I was not observed as a TAHP coach.
I observed a TAHP peer coach only at my school. I was not observed as a TAHP coach.
I observed a TAHP peer coach only at my school. I was also observed as a TAHP coach.
I observed TAHP peer coaches at my school and at another school. I was NOT observed as a TAHP coach.
I observed TAHP peer coaches at my school and at another school. I was observed as a TAHP coach.

7.3Please check the box below that best describes the degree of your participation as an OBSERVER of a peer coach.

I did not observe a TAHP peer coach.
I observed a TAHP coach once or twice.
I observed a TAHP coach 3 or 4 times.
I observed a TAHP peer coach every month.
I observed TAHP peer coaches more than once a month.

7.4Please check the box below that best describes the degree of your participation AS a peer COACH.

I did not act as a TAHP peer coach.
I was a TAHP peer coach once or twice.
I was a TAHP peer coach 3 or 4 times.
I was a TAHP peer coach every month.
I was a TAHP peer coach more than once a month.