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Strategies and Resources for Teaching (StART) Follow-Up Survey

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the TAHP evaluation. All responses on this survey are confidential and only the TAHP staff will have access to identify your responses. If you are still concerned about the confidentiality of your answers you may:

Contact Marjorie Freyer at 348-4229 or mfreyer@bamaed.ua.edu to receive a paper version of the survey.

Please allow about 10 minutes to complete the StART Follow-Up Survey. If you do not have enough time now, please quit the survey and come back at another time.

Read each question carefully. The questions require you to click on a response from a multiple choice menu. You must answer each question, so be careful and try not to skip any items. Answering truthfully and accurately will help us to improve the quality of our program.

Click here to begin answering questions.

Marjorie Freyer, Coordinator, Teaching American History Program | The University of Alabama
35 McLure Library Box 870266 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266
Disclaimer | Contact: webmaster@.ua.edu